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Peer-Reviewed Publications & Presentations


Ewell, A., Lopero-Perez, D., Kao, K., Tuladhar, C., Meyer, J., Tarullo, A. (2024) Child biological stress and maternal caregiving style are associated with school readiness. Early Childhood Psychology Quarterly.

Tarullo, A., Ewell, A., Garrison, M. (2023). Sleep, poverty, & biological stress: Mitigating sleep health disparities in early childhood. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.


Ewell, A., Allard, T., Botdorf, M.,Riggins, T. (2023). Emotion regulation and reactivity are associated with cortical thickness in early to mid-childhood. Developmental Psychobiology.


Prass, M., Ewell, A., Hill, C. E., & Kivlighan, D. (2021). Solicited and unsolicited therapist advice in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: How do Clients Respond? Counseling Psychology Quarterly 34(2), 253-274.


Allard, T., Riggins, T., Ewell, A., Weinberg, B., Lokhandwala, S., & Spencer, R. M. (2019). Measuring neural mechanisms underlying sleep-dependent memory consolidation during naps in early childhood. JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments, (152), e60200, doi:10.3791/60200. 

Invited Talks, Panels & Oral Presentations

Ewell, A., Brady, S., Lopera-Perez, D., Rockers, P., Evans, D., Leppänen, J., Coetzee, L., & Tarullo, A. (2024, April). Neonatal nutrition uniquely predicts later ANS activity in rural South African infants. Flash talk presented at the National Science Policy Network symposium, Riverdale, CA.


Ewell, A. (December, 2023) Measuring Heart Rate in an LMIC context. Presented at the Meeting of the Minds Series of Developmental Science Program, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston, MA.


Ewell, A. (March 2023) Operationalizing maternal reminiscing style for quantitative research. Presented at the Meeting of the Minds Series of Developmental Science Program, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston, MA.


Ewell, A. (March 2023) Mental Health as Community- and Self-Care. Moderator at the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students National Convention via Zoom.


Ewell, A. (January 2023) Environmental factors and biological stress are related to early school readiness. Presented at Clark College via Zoom, Waterville, ME.


Ewell, A. (May 2022) Promoting academic success: What parents and educators need to know. Presented at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto via Zoom, Toronto, Canada.


Ewell, A. (April 2022) Careers in Neuroscience: So you want to be a graduate student? Panelist at University of Maryland via Zoom, College Park, MD.


Ewell, A. (February 2022) Remember when we quarantined? Relations between the COVID-19 pandemic and autobiographical memory. Presented at the Meeting of the Minds Series of Developmental Science Program, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston, MA.


Ewell, A. (January 2022) Early Correlates of School Readiness and Lasting Societal Implications. Presented at the Developmental Science Prospective Students Day, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston, MA.


Ewell, A. (December 2021) HerCampus FIU Career Panel and Workshop. Panelist at Florida International University via Zoom, Miami, FL.


Ewell, A**., Allard. T**., Botdorf, M., & Riggins, T. (April 2021). Exploring neural mechanisms of emotion regulation in early childhood. Oral presentation at the virtual biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MI.


Ewell, A. (March 2021) Understanding school readiness and its early correlates. Presented at the Meeting of the Minds Series of Developmental Science Program, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston, MA.


Riggins, T., Weinberg, B., Ewell, A., Allard, T., Lokhandwala, S., Botdorf, M., & Spencer, R. M. C. (October 2019). Sleep-dependent memory consolidation and hippocampal development in preschoolers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Louisville, KY.

Conference Posters

Ewell, A., Lopera-Perez, D., Rockers, P., Evans, D., Leppänen, J., Coetzee, L., Tarullo, A. (February

2024). Prenatal growth is associated with infant heart rate in South African infants. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver, CO.

Ewell, A., Kao, K., Tuladhar, C., Meyer, J., Tarullo, A. (March 2023). Child biological stress and maternal caregiving style are associated with receptive vocabulary in early childhood. Poster presentation at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, UT. 


Roman, I.*, Walker, K.*, Ewell, A., St. John, A., Tarullo, A. (March 2023) Parent education uniquely contributes to inhibitory control in early childhood. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.


Ewell, A., Powell, T., St. John, A., Tarullo, A. (April 2022). Parental depressive symptoms moderate associations between sleep and executive function in preschool children. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Madison, WI. 


Ewell, A., Kao, K., Tuladhar, C., Meyer, J., Tarullo, A. (April 2021). Early childhood correlates of school readiness. Poster presentation at the virtual biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MI.


Ewell, A., Allard, T., Botdorf, M., & Riggins, T. (October 2020). Relations between parent-reported emotional lability and children’s cortical thickness in early to mid-childhood. Poster Presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 

Bethesda, MD.


Allard, T., Meredith, L., Lokhandwala, S., Ewell, A., Weinberg, B., Spencer, R.M.C. & Riggins, T. (September 2020). Is habitual nap status related to memory, sleep physiology, and hippocampal volumes during early childhood? Poster presented at the Flux 2020 Virtual Congress, Santa Rosa, 



Karayianis, K*., Ewell, A., Allard, T., Weinberg, B., & Riggins. T. (March 2020). Relations between hippocampal volume and story recall in early childhood. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. 


Ewell, A., Allard, T., Weinberg, B., Riggins, T., Dougherty, L. (October 2019) The role of negativity in the relation between internalizing behaviors and the brain: A mediation model. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Chicago, IL.


Allard, T., Lokhandwala, S., Botdorf, M., Ewell, A., Weinberg, B., Spencer, R., Riggins, T. (October 2019). Relations between sleep, memory consolidation, and hippocampal development in early childhood. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Chicago, IL.


Riggins, T., Weinberg, B., Ewell, A., Allard, T., Lokhandwala, S., Botdorf, M., & Spencer, R. M. C. (October 2019). Sleep-dependent memory consolidation and hippocampal development in preschoolers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Louisville, KY.


Allard, T., Lokhandwala, S., Botdorf, M., Ewell, A., Weinberg, B., Spencer, R., Riggins, T. (August 2019). Relations between hippocampal volume and sleep in early childhood. Poster presented at the Flux Congress, New York, NY.


Ewell, A., Prass, M., Hill, C. E., & Kivilighan, D. (August 2019). Advice in psychotherapy: Is it advised? Presented at the American Psychological Association National Conference, Division 29 Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, Chicago, IL.


Prass, M., Ewell, A., Hill, C. E., & Kivilighan, D. (May 2019). Solicited and unsolicited therapist advice in psychodynamic psychotherapy: How Attachment Plays a Role. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science National Conference, Washington D.C.


Ewell, A., Riggins, T. (May 2019). Relations between brain structure and internalizing symptoms in typically developing young children. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science National Conference, Washington D.C.


Badawi, S.*, Dombek, K.*, Strachan, A.*, Ewell, A., Riggins, T. (April 2019). Nap time factors and memory in young children. Poster presented at PSYC Research Day at the University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD.


Dombek, K.*, Badawi, S.*, Strachan, A.*, Ewell, A., Riggins, T. (April 2019). Nap time factors and memory in young children. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Day at the University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD.


Ewell, A., Hill, C. E., & Kivilighan, D. (May 2018). Client reactions to unsolicited advice in psychotherapy. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Day at the University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD.

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